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à la merci de ta Maîtresse

If you have found this page you are either curious about how to stay in My good graces or have failed to follow My directions resulting in a fine. ​

Let's review those finable offenses now!

$50 Ma'am tax: Did you refer to this Dominant with a title that She strictly forbids? You now owe $50 for each offense until you learn your lesson. It proves to be quite an effective teaching tool. Acceptable titles are "Mistress Ophelia" and "Goddess Ophelia". As with all Dominants, only refer to Them with the titles they've chosen on their websites and social media. Are you paying attention to the details? Because We are.....

$50 Ignoramus fine: Did you breeze past My directions and type out a session request with one hand in your pants and your mind in the gutter? Well you're not as skilled at multi tasking as you thought because you just sent an incomplete booking form and it is now subject to a fine. This also applies to verbal instructions in text, in person and via email. Mistress does not like to repeat herself!

These fines & taxes are due immediately. They may be paid via gift card or cash. You will be directed to the specific platform once you agree to your punishment. Failure to pay and/or frequent offenses will result in banishment.

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